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The Landanger Group, founded in 1947, manufactures and distributes surgical instruments for which it also offers maintenance services. This expert has managed to assert itself as a unique player in France with an international presence in nearly 60 countries. Thanks to a wide range of innovative products (7,500 SKUs), a strong commitment to quality and service and a large presence in France, the Landanger Group works with 85% of French public and private hospitals and clinics with which it has had a longstanding relationship.

Chiffres clés
Paris, France



    Année d'investissement


      Nombre de collaborateurs 2022

        36.5 M€

        Chiffre d'affaires (2022)

          En portefeuille


            “Przez ostatnie 30 lat inwestowaliśmy we wspaniałe przedsiębiorstwa, a każdą firmę, której jesteśmy współwłaścicielem, wspieramy w budowaniu wartości”.

            Alessandro Benetton

            Geometric Shape
            Geometric Shape
            Geometric Shape
            Geometric Shape
            Geometric Shape
            Geometric Shape